Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I'd Rather Be Writing

It's difficult sometimes when all I really want to do is write, but life keeps pulling me in every direction. With Christmas just around the corner, that's not likely to change anytime soon. With all of the distractions, I had a little bought of writers block. But, things are finally starting to come together now and I'm getting excited about my second book.

In addition to working on Full Bloom, I've been dabbling in flash fiction. What's flash fiction? Well, it's not a guy with fantasy novels strapped to the inside of his trench coat. It is a really short (aka short short) story, typically 1500 words or less. This sounds easy, but you have to tell a complete story in what averages out to be two pages (unless you use a lot of little words or several really big ones).

Once I got the hang of it though, I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, I just might be addicted. While it has helped tremendously in getting my creative juices flowing, it has stolen me away from what should be my main focus right now... finishing my second book.

I also wrote a short story for a competition I'm considering entering. The requirement for that one is 5000 words or less. After writing flash fiction, 5000 words seemed daunting. I wasn't sure I could write a long enough story. But, in the end, I had to edit just to stay under the max. I didn't see that one coming.

So, there are two contests I have my eye on. The WOW - Woman on Writing Flash Fiction Contest, and the NEOVERSE Short Story Writing Competition. I've never entered a writing contest before, so this has been a nerve racking process for me. With one of the entry deadlines coming up in less than a week, I'd better make up my mind soon.

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